The EOCP’s NEW Facility Classification Models: A Progress Report

By 07/03/2018September 21st, 2018Operator Digest

The EOCP’s new facility classification models were officially launched in September 2017 after a two-year multi-stakeholder review process. The models were updated to improve the facility classification process with the following in mind:

  • De-emphasize population as a factor in the classification of systems and facilities;
  • Make the classification models and related business processes more transparent;
  • Update the models to better reflect current technologies; and
  • Consider the full scope of Operator responsibilities when classifying a facility or system (i.e. from watershed to tap, and drain to watershed).

By early December 2017, 95 of the over 1,100 level I to IV facilities had been reclassified – small water and wastewater models are not part of the current update. Although it is too early to see real trends, about 67% of facilities are maintaining their classification, while 12% are seeing and increase, and 21% are seeing a decrease.


Facility Type -2 -1 No Change +1 +2 N/A




WD 0 7 19 2 1 5 34
WT 2 2 9 0 0 2 15
WWC 1 5 14 0 0 5 25
WWT 0 0 14 7 0 0 21
Totals 3 14 56 9 1 12 95


At this point, it is difficult to correlate classification changes to the new model, or to the fact that many facilities had not been reclassified for more than 10-15 years. Further study will make these results clearer and we will provide another update in 2018.

Based on results thus far, we are noticing that changes that result in a decrease in classification have generally been in the distribution and collection systems. The reason for this is the de-emphasis of population and flow. Changes that have resulted in an increase in classification are being seen more in the treatment facilities. This is likely because a number of newer technologies were not captured in the old models. In addition, the definition of water treatment changed in 2014 which has caused some changes in classification among water distribution and treatment facilities.

To date, feedback from Operators and owners has been positive. The ability to see and understand where points are allocated throughout a process is a benefit to all users. There has been a good overall understanding of how and why the new models are being used. We will continue taking the feedback and information gathered during the next year to further improve the ease of use of the models.

By the time you are reading this article, the online facility classification page will be live at Chief Operators will be emailed an invitation to log on and complete their initial facility classifications. Chief Operators will be able to update facility classifications at any time online. The EOCP requires an update to classifications following any major process change, or every 5 years at a minimum.

Over the next 12 months we will reach out to Chief Operators and owners to offer a reclassification using the new models. If you are interested in having your facilities reclassified, please contact Jenni at the EOCP. | 604.874.4784 x225

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