The EOCP Board of Directors

The Environmental Operators Certification Program (EOCP) is incorporated as a not-for profit society under the Societies Act of British Columbia and as such must have a constitution and by-laws that outline the mode of operation of the society including its governance structure.  The constitution and by-laws, first written in 1981 and revised twice since indicate that the members of the society, the certified Operators, shall elect all members of a Board of nine (9) Directors from specified backgrounds within the water and wastewater industry.

Potential members of the Board shall be nominated by members of the society in accordance with the constitution and by-laws and the Program’s Elections Policies and Procedure.

Board of Directors for 2023 – 2024

Tara Macrae, Chair

Natasha Cvenkel, Chair-Elect

Chris Kerman, Past-Chair

Rob Birtles, Secretary

Chris Ford, Director

Mike Firlotte, Treasurer

Barnett Stewart, Director

Ben Kineshanko, Director

Rob Fleming, Director