The EOCP’s AGM is on the 16th of June 2022!
The EOCP’s Annual General Meeting will be held online at 11:00 am. Attend and you could be eligible to win a $100 gift card!
Please confirm your attendance by contacting Kim Eames at so that you can be provided with login details as well as supporting documentation.
1.Confirm Quorum
2.Call to Order
3.Welcome and Introductions
4.Approval of the Agenda for the 2022 AGM
5.Approval of the Minutes from the 2021 AGM
6.President and CEO’s Report
7.Treasurer’s Report
8.Appointment of Auditors for 2022
9.Presentation of Revised Constitution and Bylaws
10.Appointment of New Directors
We look forward to connecting with you online on the 16th of June!
With best regards,
Kalpna Solanki – EOCP CEO & Preisdent
Chris Lawrence – EOCP Board Chair